Thank You For

There are days that you feel like nothing's going anywhere. But still, there's always a door that opens up. Behind each door that opens, there could be a dead end or there could be a garden or there could be a room full of books. It's a matter of luck. You can look across the door and curse your luck because what's beyond the door is not what you need. That's what I have been doing. Not anymore. I understand that there's a reason why that door opened, there's something in that room that I haven't seen yet and there's a higher purpose. 

I am grateful that these doors open for me, and I am glad that they teach me something new everyday… I won't get bogged down by these dead ends, they teach me something too… 
Give me the power to look beyond the obvious. Give me the power to listen to my heart and give me the power to do what it takes, to create what I want from life…

Posted via email from It’s a mad mad world

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