Author: Shakti

Of September and November

Last fortnight I saw two shows. Each show is about a terror attack that shook a city to the core, it’s aftershocks rippling through the world. Each show is about the people who saw what happened first hand. The only…

Of Sarees and loss…

Mumma would, once in three months, throw open her cupboards and bring out her sarees. All her silks, cottons, georgettes and crepes came out and were displayed on the bed in all their vibrant glory. She’d then unfold a few,…

Likes can never be hugs!

You liked my profile picture. You know I went on a holiday because you saw my Instagram picture from a beautiful beach. You assume I am rich because of the swanky surroundings in the pictures on my Snapchat stories. You…

Scarred by Sarkar 3

In the days of VHS, we would trust our video store guy for his recommendations. Knowing my dad’s affinity to Scorsese films, he recommended Siva. ‘Very interesting film sir. Naya director hai!’ So we rented it. I didn’t understand anything,…


Friendships are about laughing together. It’s about doing crazy things together, getting in trouble together and having each others’ backs. Good friendships are all about good memories that make for fun stories. But the best friendships are all about showing…