Category: Blog

Thank You For…

Post for Monday: I'm grateful to the person who discovered the recipe for khichdi. No seriously. On a day spent lounging in bed and mostly in the loo, stomach cramping and weakness setting in, a few morsels of hot khichdi…

Thank You For…

Post for Sunday: I am grateful for technology and it’s ability to bring distances down to nothing. I am grateful that technology can bring people closer and closer. A friend is a mere a email or phonecall away. And in…

Thank You For…

Post for Saturday I am grateful for the ability to smile. It can set things right, and without a word, communicate just how special that certain person is. It gives me the ability to say ‘thank you for being in…

Thank You For

Post for Friday: I am grateful for memories. I know we can’t stop time, but we can capture the essence of this moment and treasure it forever. We lose people, but not even time can take away the memories. Give…

Thank You For…

Post for thursday: I am grateful for hope. After all, hope is all that we have. As long as I have hope, I can keep working towards that dream… Give me the strength to have faith in the hope. Give…

What’s really keeping you awake – Healthy Living on Shine

<param name="FlashVars" value="clickTag1=*” /><embed name="prfls947C040038075B630207F9E000490100" src="×250&PRFormat=EX&PRAd=1292905&PRCID=1292905&PRplcmt=928097&PRPID=928097&PRImpID=947C040038075B630207F9E000490100" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="clickTag1=*” height=”250″ wmode=”opaque” quality=”high” style=”height: 250px;” width=”300″ /> via Not a good article to read if you’re a hypochondriac like yours truly! Posted via web from It’s a mad mad world

Thank You For

There are days that you feel like nothing's going anywhere. But still, there's always a door that opens up. Behind each door that opens, there could be a dead end or there could be a garden or there could be…