Shakespeare said that life is a stage and all of us are actors. But I object; I say life is a set in Universal studios and I am the leading lady. Yes it totally sounds moronic doesn’t it? It sounds…
Month: December 2005
Pang of Depression
Feelings of inadequacy Sense of insecurity, Belief in myself shattered, Dreams lost; uncertainty. A fuzzy picture, Of the future, The past a distant mistake, Putting their faith at stake, In the current present. Storms and fuzzy gray skies, Leafless trees…
past, past…zoom into the future…
When I was 6….Life was much about the others. I went out with my parent’s friends. My grandma took me to the market and she bought me sweets. My grandfather narrated stories to me. Dad told me right from wrong.…
the valley and the sun
If they ask you who I am, Just say I m a scent… That reminds you of the moon And makes you want to flow With the springs in the valley… If someone asks me who you are, I promise…