Category: FictionExpress

Through my fiction I am born again

#55wordstory Blind

Her drink was finished. Every time the door opened, she looked up, restless and hopeful, at its latest offering. And every time a man walked in, she hoped he wouldn’t notice her or the shiny earrings she was wearing. She…

Zipping past

“India has more than 6,80,000 villages.” The text book announced. He ran his wrinkled finger along each letter making up each word that made up each sentence. He read it out loudly to himself. If he didn’t understand something, he’d…


The day Mom sent me her profile, I used my fantastic Google skills and stumbled upon her supposedly anonymous blog. The blog was nothing but a space that she used to anonymously rant about her hunt for Mr. Right. I…

Empty Glasses

Everything is ready. The house has been cleaned. The living room has been cleared out, fresh flowers have been arranged. The food has been cooked and placed on the fancy silver ware. The wines have been laid out, the bar…

The Good Wife

  It was supposed to be a bright and cheerful morning. The sun was finally peeping from behind the clouds and there was a warmth that seemed to melt away the winter chill. Cars crunched out of the driveways, wives…