Author: Shakti

Random Blog Talk

i was checking my blog stats yesterday, when a regular blogger went, ‘just 2000 views!’. Bust went my bubble. I was thrilled with the views i was getting. Well, i do obsess over my blog stats, but I just didn’t…

Changed for good

Diwakar had tagged me ages ago on his blog. I decided to write it out today… These are the things that changed me… Looking back at all these things made me realise that many things touch you and you don’t…


I am wondering… Why do we trust film critics? We all know they are moody, erratic and have odd favourites… Why do we let other people decide the course of our lives? They end up hurting you more often than…

July July

July was fabulous. I was on my toes with work and yet I ended up watching a lot of films, reading some books and enjoying quality time with family and friends. So here is a quick recap: Films: It was…


It was an impulsive decision to go out for some nice juicy non-vegetarian food on Monday. We put our thinking hats together and Mom exclaimed, ‘Amar’. Amar was a restaurant less than a five minute drive from my home and…

Sanity in insanity…

Have you ever told a lie and enjoyed it? Have you consciously tried to harm yourself knowing well what the after-effects would be? Have you created a make believe world to keep yourself from the insane reality? Forgive my memory,…